Still Life gallery

Still Life



Jodhpur, India, late Fall — Ambling along mid-day through the shady, jumbled market of Jodhpur I’m surrounded by controlled chaos.  I come upon the spice vendors, always a favorite.  Circles and piles of color and texture, with both familiar and strange aromas… a many layered sensuous treat.  Spotting that one brush of teal blue against the warm spice colors, I have my composition.  None too quick, as the rickety donkey cart with bulging bags of grain is about to run over my toes if I am not quick enough to jump back.


To purchase fine art photographic prints from my Still Life gallery, please use the online shopping cart, or contact me to make other arrangements. Photographs are archivally printed in limited editions, and are signed and numbered. Some images and sizes may be temporarily out of stock, and some sizes in limited editions are sold out.

Oranges, Melons — Mexico

Castle in a Bottle — Italy

Oranges, MelonsCastle in a Bottle

Onions — Bolivia    

Spices for Sale —Morocco

OnionsSpices for Sale

Window on the Caldera — Greece  

Blue Chairs — Mexico

Window on the CalderaBlue Chairs

Watermelon — Burma   

Aromatica — India


Peppers — France

Provence 1 — France   

Lilies for Sale — Bolivia  

Peppers Provence 1 Liliesf or Sale

Octopi — Greece    

Bounty of the Land — Bolivia

Florentine Lamp — Italy   

Octopi Bounty of the Land Florentine Lamp

Seaweed — Canada   

Oranges — Spain  

SeaweedOranges, Melons